Switch Off
If you're anything like me you've been working too hard and have been a big old grouch all week. 'Doing an Oscar' is a gentle warning in this house that someone isn't being much fun - who was your favourite on Sesame Street? I always loved the Count, and Animal on the Muppets. It's Saturday - the kids may be home, time to share something new, and something old. Have some fun. Switch off. Put the pen down. Step away from the computer. I cracked 10,000 (new) NaNo words last night round midnight. Today the hound has a hot date in the forest with a Labradoodle from Glasgow and there are five children coming for woodland mayhem. What could be better?
TODAY'S PROMPT: What are you supposed to do today? What would you like to do? Is it really so impossible to do a bit of both? Get rid of the things you don't need or want to do. Me? Once everyone is safely home, full of picnic, exhausted from running and climbing, I have all sorts of plans ... oh yes, another 2000 words and to bed early with our new book club choice :) We-hey, it's wild times in Hampshire. It's only for a month.