Lermontov: Why do you want to dance? Vicky: Why do you want to live? Lermontov: Well, I don't know exactly why, but... I must. Vicky: That's my answer too.
TODAY'S PROMPT: Is this how you feel about your work? When you're deeply immersed it takes on a life of its own - just like the Red Shoes. This magic and energy can be exhilarating - and it can be exhausting. What's your experience with this? Writing is just like any other art or profession - years of practice, rejection and sheer hard work go into making your work look effortless, natural, graceful. Let's just assume that no one gives a damn about your work other than you - even kindly friends, your other half and your parents have stopped asking how it's going. Your submissions are met by a deathly silence. Have you got what it takes to keep working at it? Me? I'm just hoping if I keep practicing long enough my words will take on the lightness, grace and beauty of PinaBausch's dance theatre group (rather than dancing their way in front of the literary equivalent of a steam train like the red shoes ...). Right now it feels like it could go either way. Why not take some time today to think about where you are with your work, and where you would like to be in six months, a year, five years' time. What are the first steps you must take?