
Motherhood can certainly teach you a lot of useful lessons. As I waited for my two year old's tantrum to pass today, (he had sat down on the forest path half way through our morning dog walk refusing to go any further), it struck me that a few years ago I would have lacked the patience to deal with this. Dad once gave me a bookmark with 'Don't forget to smell the flowers,' printed on it and would send me off to the school bus most mornings with that advice ringing in my ears. Patience ... it doesn't come naturally to me, but do you ever need that with writing, not only for the hours stacked one on top of another writing a book, but for the weeks and months agents and publishers can take to read your work once it is written. So, what do you do if it feels like your life/work is going round and round, one tantrum/rejection following another? I've finally learnt that stepping back is a great help - take a fresh look at the situation and do something useful while you are waiting. Tantrums always pass, perhaps the next agent/publisher will love the book. While you're waiting, take a few deep breaths - smell the flowers.