Every day

I write with a cat basking on the warmth of the printer, and a small pug snoring softly on my lap. It's wonderful having a dog in the house again, and the place finally feels more like home. Which is important, when home is also 'work'. Do you write every day? That was one comment that stuck with me from the Emirates Lit Fest - one of the moderators said during a session: if you're not writing every day perhaps you're not a writer. What do you think?

Less than a week after finishing the new book, I find the ideas for the next one are humming away in the background as I catch up on six month's worth of real life - reading, seeing friends, relaxing. One of the things I had on the 'to do' list was Pinterest - are you on there yet? Come and say hello - http://pinterest.com/katelordbrown/ I built a couple of boards for 'The Beauty Chorus' and 'The Perfume Garden', and lost a whole morning exploring the site. It's great - if you tend to think and write visually as I do, it's a lot like the storyboards I build for each book. Living in a desert sometimes feels like one long visual/emotional fast - I find you are hungry for colour, and nature and beauty. There's something really life enhancing about Pinterest - just one image after another that means something to someone to lose yourself in. See what you think.

TODAY'S PROMPT Pinterest is The Next Big Thing, and growing at an incredible rate. If you're thinking of giving it a try, there are some excellent tips for writers here: http://www.sortacrunchy.net/sortacrunchy/2011/08/pinterest-tips-and-tricks-and-faq.html and here: http://www.booksandsuch.biz/blog/ten-tips-for-authors-using-pinterest/