Be Honest ...

Here we all are staggering through the final stages of the Easter holidays ... I adore my family, but I am really looking forward to getting my writing time back next week when everyone goes happily back to school. In the midst of frustratingly low word counts I was truly touched to receive not one but two awards for WKDN this week. They are for rather different things, so today I'd like to feature the 'Honest Scrap' award from our friend Natasha in NYC. If you haven't ventured across to her new blog, do check it out - the creativity is truly inspiring. 'The award is about bloggers who post from their heart, who oftentimes put their heart on display as they write from the depths of their soul'. Thank you Natasha - I'm really glad that WKDN has proved equally popular in the US and the UK (who says we're divided by a common language?!)

On accepting the award, you are asked to list 10 honest things about yourself. As creativity network Whohub asked to interview me about writing last week, I'm posting this interview as my response because it really made me question (honestly), why I started writing, and what the future holds. Also you get around 20 honest answers, which in the current climate is a recession busting BOGOF :)

TODAY'S PROMPT: With the Honest Scrap you are asked to nominate seven or so blogs you feel deserve the award. It's the 'or so' that allows me to throw this one open to every single blog on WKDN's sidebar - it's been great following you all over the months, and I'd like to also open this to our regular commenters. The honesty of your comments have helped make WKDN a truly challenging and interactive place to write, and they take each post's theme and run with it. So today, why not have a think about honesty? To me it's to do with being open, authentic - the quest to find a true voice (like Tom Wait's lovely ballad in the clip today). It has an integrity and grace to it. What does it mean to you? Why not try completing this sentence as many times as you can: 'I honestly ...'