Challenge ...
There was an episode of the fantastic Cosby Show where Bill Cosby did a challenge dance off. It has become a bit of a running joke in our household - 'Shaaaloooonge' he drawled as Bill did his inimitable soft shoe shuffle. We don't do dance offs in the kitchen (he is a pilot and does not dance at all), but if a challenge arises it is faced with not so much a stiff upper lip as a wry grin - 'Shaaalooonge'.
Life as a writer/parent is a constant challenge, a constant dance and response to what life throws at you. I don't know if you've noticed how people respond when you say you're a writer? 'Really?' (eyes fill with dollar signs), 'So are you going to be the next J K Rowling??' Trans: 'Challenge!' I've also had 'Really? How ... bohemian ...' (eyes look alarmed). Trans: 'Challenge!' Well here's today's challenge - I know someone out there is reading this (have checked the stats!) - and thank you. This is not about my pram in the hall, this is about everyone's pram in the hall. I am (probably like most writers) far more at ease listening than rabbiting on about myself. I'd love to hear what challenges you've overcome. Let's make this a dialogue. If you read this - click on the tag below and post a comment! It would be great for this blog to become a place for every single person trying to be a great parent and a great artist. Challenge!