Letting go

How are you all? I came across this beautiful Modotti photograph this morning - my head's firmly back in Spain after the fun of the week-long Summer Writing Insitute. It seems to sum up so much about one of the main characters ... and yes, browsing Modotti is boondoggling with a purpose. So is translating Lorca, planning a flying visit to Valencia for a final recce, listening to the music I have on a loop for the story. Who said editing couldn't be fun? As I've often said on WKDN really letting go, immersing yourself in your story works wonders.

The writing institute was great - I worked with the British novelist Lesley Thomson, whose book 'A Kind of Vanishing' won the UK People's Book Award, and the inspirational American writer Carol Henderson. It was all a bit like having your brain cells pummelled and loosened up. Then, in the middle of the week Bloomsbury Qatar held a launch at Virginia Commonwealth University for 'The Beauty Chorus' - an amazing experience reading in front of a large crowd for the first time. There was great press coverage - an interview in Time Out Doha, and a cover story for Gulf Times Woman (when the photographer said 'Mam, perhaps you want to dress your hair ..?' I took it to mean I wasn't looking quite - well - coverworthy :) All good fun.

One of the most interesting things about seeing 'The Beauty Chorus' published has been getting feedback from people. I'll never forget a fully veiled student coming up to me on the night of the final, celebratory dinner and saying 'I bought your book. I am a feminist - I love stories with strong women.' Equally, it's been great seeing the blog tour is causing spin-off reviews, like this lovely one over at Freckles Family. Cara's a great photographer and crafter, and I loved this picture she took of her copy with some amazing knitted cupcakes. I've always loved those 'reader column' pics of people holding copies of magazines in front of the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China - surreal and homely at the same time. So I've decided to do something similar - send me a jpeg of you and your copy of the novel via the profile page email or Your Beauty Chorus page on Ask Evie, and I'll mail a signed bookplate and bookmark anywhere in the world (and put up links to your blog).

Meanwhile, I'm heads down editing this week, and next week I'm off here for a week-long writing retreat for the MA ... can't wait. It will be the first time the children have had a week alone with the pilot, and needless to say they are *cockahoop* about it. See you in a couple of weeks :) x

TODAY'S PROMPT: The single most interesting exercise from the writing insitute was this: write a dialogue between yourself and something - an object, a person, a part of you. Anything that's been taking up mental space or bothering you. For example, if your addiction to cupcakes/your cronky back/your tiresome relative is causing you grief, you might begin: 'What is it with you cupcakes/back/etc?' then write their response. Just let the essay flow - it's surprising what comes up. As our teacher said, this kind of personal essay as debate has been used since Seneca's time, and it's a valuable tool. Why not try letting go - enjoy.